Access the DNS Zone

  1. Log in to the OVH Manager.
  2. On the left navigation bar under the Domains section, select the domain you want to change the DNS record.
  3. Click on the DNS Zone menu.

DNS Zone link

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Create a SPF record

  1. Click on the Add an entry button or edit your existing SPF record.

    Create SPF record step 1

  2. Select the SPF type and click Next.

    Select SPF type

  3. If your domain is hosted by OVH with a shared hosting and you only use your server to deliver emails, simply click on the Use the SPF for OVH shared hosting button.

    Default SPF on OVH shared hosting

  4. If you use your own server or an external delivery service, fill in the form to create your custom SPF record.
    Then click on Next.

    Custom SPF on OVH

  5. Check your entry and then click on the Confirm button.

    Confirm SPF entry

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